Written UpdateAnupama

Anupama Written Update 7 August 2024: The Truth About Anuj’s Memory Loss Will Leave You Speechless!

Anupama Written Update 7 August 2024: The Truth About Anuj’s Memory Loss Will Leave You Speechless!

Key Highlights –

  • Anupama thanks Meenu for treating Anuj.
  • Meenu, a clinical psychologist, reveals Anuj’s trauma and the need for heart healing.
  • Devika supports Anupama’s belief that Aadhya is alive.
  • Baa criticizes Anupama, but Meenu defends her.
  • Indra’s son’s return from London brings mixed feelings.
  • Anuj realizes he needs to find Aadhya and supports Anupama’s belief.

Anupama Written Update 7 August 2024

Thanking Meenu for Her Help

Anupama thanks Meenu for helping Anuj and tells her she is one of the few who truly cares. Meenu, a clinical psychologist, says it’s her duty and explains that Anuj is in trauma due to Aadhya’s absence. She adds that until his heart heals, his mind won’t heal.

Anupama asks what to do next. Meenu says they must accept the problem and asks if Anupama is ready to face the truth. Meenu then reveals that Anuj hasn’t lost his memory but wants to forget everything except Aadhya. She warns it’s a long battle, and Anupama agrees to fight.

Meenu says she wants to observe Anuj’s behaviour, while Bala shares his observations. Anupama fears her uncle will resist treatment, but Devika assures Meenu she can handle it. Meenu falls outside, but Sagar catches her. Inside, Meenu steels herself, reminding herself not to be scared.

Devika’s Encouragement to Anuj

Devika offers Anuj a biscuit and tells him Anupama believes Aadhya is still alive, saying her faith keeps her going. She says God is reuniting them and they should start a new life once they find Aadhya. Anuj blames Anupama for Aadhya’s death, but Devika defends her, explaining Anupama also suffered a severe accident and can’t afford surgery for her leg.

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Devika highlights Anupama’s sacrifices, managing Asha Bhavan and searching for Aadhya despite her pain. She tells Anuj that Anupama is the same person he loved from America. An emotional song plays as Anupama arrives, asking Anuj not to hate her. She can live without his love but not with his hatred. Anuj stands up as the song continues.

Conflict with Baa

Meenu enters the Shah house and Baa criticizes her for supposedly losing her intelligence at the Russian airport, labelling Anupama an enemy. Meenu defends Anupama, saying Baa is actually the enemy. Baa retorts, calling Anupama worse than Rakhi.

Meenu insists she can’t forget her doctor’s oath and shares she saw Anuj at the temple in poor condition. She requested his case, but Anupama was hesitant. Meenu reflects on Anupama’s continued efforts to improve things, unlike the Shahs. Toshu questions if Meenu is a doctor or Anupama’s lawyer.

Tiffin Orders and Family News

Anupama tells Indra and Nandita to increase tiffin orders and ask customers to label their tiffins. Indra receives a message and excitedly shares that her son is coming from London to get her. Anupama reminds her how he previously threw her out, but Indra says she has forgiven him. Her heart is still with her son and family.

Nandita expresses disbelief that he has changed, while Anupama worries Indra’s heart might get broken again.

Anuj’s Realization

Anuj finds notes from Devika in the mirror, realizing Anupama loved Aadhya more than he did. He recalls Anupama asking him to promise to stay away from Aadhya when she discovered her feelings. Seeing proof, Anuj initially believed Aadhya was gone.

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However, he imagines Aadhya urging him to find her and decides Anupama is right—Aadhya is alive. Anupama lights a lamp, symbolically putting a bowl over it to contain and burn bad news.

Aaradhana Chaurasia

Aaradhana C is an Entertainment writer and Pop culture enthusiast. With over 3+ years of experience, she has written extensively about Television, Movies, Music, and Celebrity News for various digital publications.